3. Prison Ministry -- How it is here: email
email 3 of 4: Is this how it is in your local jail or prison? This is how it is here.
3/1/20233 min read
I am writing to ask you to commission lawyers and volunteers who are in your faith community,
or to hire lawyers,
to identify the indigent people who were:
1. defendants or inmates for an unnecessary trespassing charge,
2. defendants for cases that were dismissed,
3. or inmates who were wrongly encouraged to plead guilty being told they would get released more quickly,
who were incarcerated for more than a day or two,
and to start the process of disbarring:
1. the public defender who represented them,
2. the attorney for the district attorney’s office.
3. and the judge
who let the case languish while the person was incarcerated.
This request includes advocating for justice for youth in the juvenile hall.
Please ask them to treat the defendant or inmate’s case with the intensity they would seek justice for a beloved child.
The cases should be handled one case at a time
to leverage the opportunities to fire incompetent and apathetic lawyers and judges.
You will find cases of people unjustly being incarcerated for months,
sometimes many months,
in a detention facility reported as being inhumane.
Please don’t be diverted by people who claim there is a special, effective bail program for indigent people,
or otherwise deny it happens.
Please don’t be diverted by people who claim the person had a mental health issue that necessitated incarceration.
Ambulance EMTs, law enforcement and citizens making a fabricated citizen’s arrest make fabricated reports.
The Ambulance EMTs have a way of recording fabricated mental health diagnoses in their charts that gets into records.
Illicit strategies to report fabricated records happen other ways, too.
Please don’t be diverted by claims of unintentional clerical errors.
Incarceration is a $200,000,000,000. business. Some communities' economies seem to depend on it.
To reiterate, indicators like
delays in hearings;
reports of defendants “refusing to attend the hearing”;
hearing decisions by sidebars;
encouragement to plead guilty;
fabricated mental health reports to try to justify or prolong incarceration, unnecessary holds in mental health facilities, etc.;
need to be identified and documented.
I regret to say it, but I have been doing research
and don’t believe what you are told by sheriff staff and non-sheriff department people
who claim to have provided services to defendants and inmates:
make them prove specifically what they have done
and to how many defendants and inmates they listened when they were in their cells,
and when.
Can we get beyond the padding and the smoke and mirrors?
Law enforcement leverages the public’s fear of mental health issues to hide illegal behavior by fabricating reports of mental illness.
Please investigate any questionable situation where mental illness is blamed.
Defendants and inmates who are mentally healthy are placed in a mental health ward as a form of legal leverage to protect law enforcement staff liability.
Sometimes defendants and inmates are targeted, mocked, and pressured until they emote, and that incident is used to put them in a mental health ward.
Sometime people who are mentally healthy are put in a mental health ward as punishment for acts such as
complaining about the withholding of necessities
and threatening to report other illegal acts.
Diagnoses are fabricated.
Defendants and inmates are told if they take medications they will be released more quickly,
and sometime the prescriptions create a fabricated diagnoses by association.
Sometimes mentally healthy defendants and inmates are court ordered through fabricated diagnoses to take psychotropic medication they do not need.
Look at the percentage of defendants and inmates taking psychotropic medication:
if you knew who was in the detention facilities you would know it doesn’t make sense.
How are the people responsible spinning it?
The supposedly independent agency created to review complaints about the sheriff department seems to act more like their liability protection, although they publicly criticize the sheriff’s department internal affairs.
I would prefer to remain anonymous.